
楼主 |
发表于 2016-3-13 04:59:22
abbatial acolyte 室的侍者
abbot 和尚, 方丈
abbot's robe 紅衣
accounts officer 庫頭
acolyte 侍者
ancestor's hall 祖堂
apartment for retired monks 閒寮房
arrival for installation 晉山
assistant abbot 福方丈
bath steward 溶頭
bath supervisor 監溶
bathing the buddha 溶佛
bell and board 鐘板
bell and drum 鐘鼓
branch temples 分院
brother (tonsure) disciples 師兄弟
buddha recitation hall 念佛堂
buddha-plenary 普佛
call monks 應赴僧
canon prefect 知藏
ceremonial canopy 寶蓋
code of rules 規約
columbarium 普同塔
consultation on ranks 議職
deputy abbot 護理方丈
deputy 副富値
dispensary 湯藥寮
fields overseer 田頭
incense board 香板
Jiaoshan code of rules 焦山規約
monastery clerk 庫頭
monk's apartment 寮房
preceptor 和尚
priest 和尚
retired abbot 老和尚, 退居和尚
selection of a worthy 選賢
stopping board 站板
supervisory clerk 庫司
temple business office 庫房
temple chef 典座
(empty) space 虛空
a fool 愚夫
abbot 上方
abiding of correct mind 正心住
abiding of producing virtues 生貴住
abiding of sprinkling water on the head 灌頂住
abiding of the dharma-prince 法王子住
abiding of the true child 童眞住
abiding 住
absolute space 虛空無爲
absolute truth 眞諦, 第一義諦
abstention from eating meat 斷肉
accelerate 增
accord with 隨順
accumulated blessings 福聚
accumulation 資糧
action 行業
actualization 證
acuity 明利
adamantine absorption 金剛喩定
adamantine mind 金剛心
addiction 耽著
affair 事
affliction 使, 煩惱
afflictions of those of advanced states of mind 上心煩惱
afflictions produced from discrimination 分別起
afflictive hindrances 煩惱障
age of impurity 劫濁
aggregate of form 色蘊
aggregate of volition (dispositions, karmic formations) 行蘊
aggregate 聚, 聚集, 陰
all (compounded) things 一切行
all beings in the ten realms attain Buddhahood 十界皆成佛
all dharmas 諸法
All pervasive calculation 遍計
analysis 伺
analytical emptiness 析空
anger 瞋, 瞋恚
antecedent causality 次第緣
antipathy 瞋
anxiety 惱
apparent understanding 似解
arhat who backslides in the dharma 退法阿羅漢
arising 生, 生起
arrogance 憍
ascend to the hall 上堂
association 相應
attached consciousness 有取識
attachment and desire 愛欲
attachment to (the reality of) dharmas 法執
attachment to extremes 邊執見
attachment to one's own view 見取見
attachment to selfhood 人執
attachment to sentient being-hood 衆生執
attachment to views 見取
attachment 執, 執著, 貪愛
auditory consciousness 耳識
auditory faculty 耳根
austerities 苦行
awaken 覺悟
awakened 佛
awakening and discipline 乘戒
awakening 菩提
awareness-cause 了因
avoidance of wrongdoing 防非
base consciousness 本識
begging for food 乞食
begging knight 乞士
begging knight 比丘
Beginningless ignorance 無始無明
beginningless 無始
being 有
beneficial service 鐃益行
bless 惠
blind from birth 生盲
Blue Vajra 尼藍婆
bodhi tree 覺樹
bodhisattva superior in pity for others 悲增菩薩
bodhisattva 一乘菩薩
bodhisattvas in name only 名字菩薩
bodhi-tree 佛樹, 元吉樹, 菩提樹, 道樹
bodily behavior 身業
body and mind 身心
body 舍利
brahma heaven 梵天
Brahma's Net 梵網
branch 派
bucket of black lacquer 黑漆桶
Buddha as Buddha-nature 佛性佛
Buddha of Immeasurable Life 無量壽佛
Buddha perceived as a Buddha 佛想佛
buddha treasure 佛寶
buddha-body 佛身
Buddha-eye 佛眼
Buddha-fruit 佛果
buddha-hall 佛殿
buddha-mind 佛心
buddha-nature 佛性
Buddha-realm 佛境界
Buddhas of the ten days of fasting 十齋佛
buddha's wisdom 佛慧, 佛智, 佛智慧
buddha-stage 佛地
Buddha-tathāgata 佛如來
Buddha-work 佛事
buddhist canon 三藏
Buddhists 佛氏
burial stūpas 大寒林
butcher's occupation 旃陀羅
calculation 遍計
calm abiding 奢摩他, 寂靜
carry water and haul firewood 運水搬柴
causal consciousness 緣識
causal portion 因分
causal practices 因行
causal stage 因人, 因地
causation through similar and immediately antecedent conditions 等無間緣
cause and effect 因果
cause 因
causes and conditions 因緣
causes beyond those of immediate motivation 增上緣
celestial 天
chant 誦
characteristic of Consciousness-only 相唯識
charity 布施, 施
chimera 緊那羅
circumambulate 上肩順轉
circumambulate 匝, 圍遶
clarify 澄淨
clear 潔
cloudless heaven 無雲天
cluster 聚, 聚集
cognizance of non-arising 無生忍
cognize 執受
color 色境
combining consciousness 和合識
complete 圓
composite 聚集
compounded 有爲
concealing 覆
conceit 慢
concentration of cessation 想受滅無爲, 滅盡定
concentration of extinguishing feeling and perception 滅盡定
concentration 禪定, 靜慮
conceptualization 遍計
conceptualized unconditioned 識變無爲
conditioned existence 有爲法
conditioned 有作
congee 稀飯, 粥
consciousness 識
consciousness-only 唯識
contact 觸
container consciousness 藏識, 阿賴耶識
contaminated goodness 有漏善
contaminated truth of arising 有漏集諦
contaminated 有漏, 有漏
contempt 譏嫌
continuity 相續
contributory cause 緣因
conventional explanation 世間言說
conventional truth 世俗諦
conventional wisdom 世間慧
conviction 信
correct awakening 正覺
correct enlightenment 三藐三菩提
correct mindfulness 正念
correct observation 正觀
correct thought 正念, 正思惟
correct view 正見
correct 正
council at Rājagṛha 王舍城結集
council of the Five Hundred (Arhats) 五百集法
council of the Five Hundred 五百結集
council of the seven hundred 七百結集
counteractive agent(s) 能對治
covetousness 貪, 貪愛, 貪欲
crave 貪
craving 貪, 貪愛
created 有爲
creator 作者
cremation 涅疊般那
crime 罪業
criticize 呵責
cultivation of goodness 修善
Dalai Lama 達賴喇嘛
dangerous amusements 凶戲
dark realm(s) 冥界
debilitating afflictions 麁重
deceit 誑
deception 欺
deeds 身業
defiled attachment 染著
defilement of activity 業染汚
defilement 垢, 塵勞, 塵垢
Defilement 塵
defining characteristic 自相
Delusion 癡
delusion 迷
delusional hindrances 惑障
depression 惛沈
deputy abbot 代理方丈
desire realm with the five destinies 欲界五趣地
desire 貪, 貪愛, 貪欲
destiny of human rebirth 人趣
detailed explanation 別申
determination 勝解
dhārani 呪
dharma treasure 法寶
dharma-gate 法門
dharma-meghā 法雲地
dharma-realm 法界
dharma-talk 法語
dharma-treasure 法藏
dharma-vessel 法器
dharma-wisdom 法智
diamond master 金剛阿闍梨
diamond store 金剛藏
diamond-like samādhi 金剛喩定
difference 異相
diligence 精進
direct cause 正因, 近因
director of the three ceremonies 三禮師
discriminate 分別
discriminated attachment to phenomena 分別法執
discrimination power 分別力
discursive thought 尋
discuss 優婆提舍
disharmony 不和合性
disposition 隨眠
dissipation 放逸
distinct teaching of the single vehicle 別教一乘
distraction 散亂
distributor of missals 堂達
divine vision 天眼, 天眼通
dominant condition 增上緣
dominant effects 增上果
domineering spirit 豪勢
donation 嚫, 布施, 檀
dormant condition 隨眠
doubt 疑, 迷
drowsiness 睡眠
dull faculties 鈍根
earthly vision 肉眼
effects 果報
efficacy 利益
effort 精進
egocentrism 我執
eight aggregates 八乾, 八犍度
eight amazing characteristics of the ocean 大海八不思議
eight aspects of the Buddha's life 八相成道
eight bodhisattvas 八菩薩
eight buddhas 八佛
eight burning hells 八熱地獄
eight cold hells 八寒冰地獄, 八寒地獄
eight colored pennants 八色幡
eight commandments 八不可越法, 八不可過法, 八敬戒, 八敬法
eight consciousnesses 八識
eight defilements 八穢
eight difficulties 八難
eight directions above and below 八方上下
eight excellent liberations 八勝解
eight fortunate rebirths 八福生處
eight great officers 八大執事
eight impurities 八不淨
eight incorrect views 八不正見
eight investigations 八校
eight kinds of beings 八部衆
eight kinds of deluded perception 八妄想
eight kinds of discrimination 八種分別
eight kinds of evil (errors) 八邪
eight kinds of great unimpeded subjectivity 八大自在我
eight kinds of liberation 八解脫
eight kinds of matrices 八藏
eight kinds of prediction 八種授記
eight kinds of pride 八慢
eight kinds of spiritual beings 八部
eight kinds of suffering 八苦
eight Māras 八魔
eight misbehaviors 八波羅夷
eight misleading concepts 八迷
eight negations of the middle way 八不中道
eight negations 八不
eight noble truths 八諦
eight non-obstructions 八無礙
eight petal court 八葉院
eight petals 八葉
eight phrases 八句義
eight schools 八宗, 八家
eight spoke wheel 八輪
eight supernatural powers 八變化
eight syllogisms 八門
eight teachers 八師
eight teaching classifications 八教
eight tolerances 八人
eight tones 八音
eight treatises 八論
eight truly precious things 八重無價, 八重眞寶
eight victorious stages 八勝處
eight winds 八風
eight-armed celestial 八臂天
eighteen aspects of emptiness 十八空
eighteen brahmalokas 十八生處
eighteen compositional elements of human existence 十八界
eighteen distinctive characteristics of the Buddha 十八不共法
eighteen heavens 十八天
eighteen layers of hells 十八重地獄
eighteen learners 十八有學
eighteen paths 十八道
eighteen perfections 十八圓淨
eighteen wise sages 十八賢聖
eighteen 十八
eighth consciousness 阿賴耶識
eighty minor marks 八十種好, 八十隨形好
eighty recitation vinaya 八十誦律
eighty-eight afflicted mental states 八十八使
eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一種麁重, 十一麁重
eleven consciousnesses 十一識
Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空
eleven wisdoms 十一智
eleven-faced Avalokiteśvara 十一面觀音
eminent monk 高僧
emptiness is form 空卽是色
emptiness of dharmas 法空
emptiness of person 人空
emptiness 空
empty 虛
encircle 圍遶
endangering 危害
enlightened 佛
enlightening being 菩薩
enlightenment 菩提, 覺悟
enmity 恨
envy 嫉
eon 大劫
equal enlightenment 等覺
equanimity 行捨
err 誤
Erroneous view 邪見
errors 過惡
esoteric 祕密
essence of the precepts 戒體
essence-function 體用
essential emptiness 體空
eternally abiding 常住
eunuch 黃門
evil behavior 惡行
evil destinies 惡趣, 惡趣
evil karma 不善行
evil view 邪見
evil 邪
evolve 變
excursions out of the four gates 四門出遊
existence 有
expedient means 方便
expedient wisdom 權智
experiential consciousnesses 受識
explain 說
external objects 外境
external realm 外境
extreme view 邊見
eye of wisdom 智眼
eye 目, 眼
faction 派
faculty 根
Faith 信
false discrimination 亂識
false speech 妄語
false 虛謬
Falsehood 虛妄
family style 家風
fate 運命
feeling 受蘊
female messenger 訥帝
female sage 仙女
field of merit 福田
field of virtue 德田
field of visible form 色處
fifteen honored ones 十五尊
fifteen images of Avalokiteśvara 十五尊觀音
fifteen kinds of wisdom and elimination 十五智斷
final body 最後身
final nirvana 究竟涅槃
finger 指
firm-willed person 丈夫志幹
first anniversary of a death 一囘忌
first meditation heaven 初禪天
first turning of the wheel of the dharma 初轉法輪
five afflictions of advanced practitioners 五利使
five afflictions that affect beginning practitioners 五鈍使
five aggregates 五蘊
five bhikṣus 五比丘
five buddhas 五佛
five categories of dharmas 五法藏
five clusters 五蘊
five comrades 五拘鄰
five consciousnesses 五識
five coverings 五蓋
five defilements 五濁
five desires 五情, 五欲
five destinies 五趣, 五道
five doctrinal schools and "nine mountain" schools 五教九山
five doctrinal schools and two (meditational) schools 五教兩宗
five Emptinesses 五空
Five existences within the fourth meditation 五淨居天
five external objects 五境
five eyes 五眼
five faculties 五根
five heinous crimes 五逆
five hindrances 五障
five hundred arhats 五百羅漢
five immeasurables 五無量
five instances of no-mind 五位無心
five natures distinction 五性各別
five parts of the body 五體
five powers 五力
five practices 五行
five precepts 五戒
five proper foods 五正食, 半者蒲膳尼
five pure heavenly abodes 五淨居天
five ranks 五位
five sensations 五受
five skandhas 五蘊, 五陰
five stages 五位
five supernatural powers 五神通, 五通
five supernatural powers 五旬
five teaching periods 五時
five teachings 五教
five tolerances 五忍
five vehicles 五乘
five views 五見
five viscera 五臟
five-fold Consciousness-only 五重唯識
five-part dharma body 五分法身
five-part syllogism 五支作法
flattery 諂
flower adornment 華嚴
follow 隨順
forbearance 忍辱
forgetting 失念
form is emptiness 色卽是空
form objects 色塵
form realm 色界
form 色
formless realm 無色界
four 四悉檀, 四提舍尼
four abilities of unhindered understanding and expression 四無礙辯
four accesses and four accomplishments 四向四果
four accesses 四向
four afflictions 四患
four and eight kinds of suffering 四苦八苦
four aspects 四分
four bases of mindfulness 四念處
four bases of supernatural power 四神足
Four Brahman Heavens 四梵
four causes 四緣
Four conditions 四緣
four continents 四大洲
four correct endeavors 四正勤
four created (established) noble Truths 作四諦
four crossings 四衢
four desires: 四欲
four dharmadhātu 四法界
four evil destinies 四惡趣
four falls 四顚倒
four formless concentrations 四無色定
four forms of fearlessness 四無所畏
four Fruits 四果
four good roots 四善根
four grave (crimes) 四重
four grave crimes 四重罪
four grave offenses 四波羅夷, 四波羅夷法
four grave prohibitions 四重禁
four great continents 四州
four great locations of Śākyamuni's religious career 四處
four gross elements 四大
four groups of Buddhist disciples 四輩
four guardian gods 四天王
four heavenly kings 四天王
four holy actions 四聖行
four immeasurable minds 四無量心
four inverted views 四顚倒
four kinds of afflictions related to the view of self 四種煩惱
four kinds of clinging 四取
four kinds of compassion 四恩
four kinds of errors 四種謗, 四種顚倒
Four kinds of hindrances 四種障
four kinds of Nirvāna 四種涅槃
four kinds of outflow 四漏
Four kinds of perfumation of dharmas 四種法熏習
four kinds of prediction of Buddhahood 四種授記
four kinds of sages 四聖
four kinds of self-view 四種我見
four kinds of undefiled moral indeterminacy 四無記
four locations in the formless realm 四空處
four marks of existence 四相
four meditation heavens 四禪天
four meditations 四禪
four methods of winning (people) over 四攝法
four noble truths 四諦
four pārājika 四根本極惡
four phrases 四句
four postures 四儀, 四威儀
four raging currents 四慕流, 四暴流
four realms of reality 四法界
four reliances 四依
four sins of speech 口四
four skandhas outside of form 四無色蘊
four stages in the attainment of buddhahood 四階成佛
four stations (or bases) of mindfulness 四念住
four thoughts 四心
four unconstructed noble truths 無作四諦
four unobstructed knowledges 四辨
four views 四見
four virtues 四德
four wisdoms 四智
fourfold negation 四句分別
fourteen deities and nine kings 十四神九王
fourteen difficult questions 十四難
fourteen transformations 十四變化
fragmentary 分段生死
fragrant ocean 香水海
frivolity 掉擧
full word 滿字
function 運用
funeral rites 喪
fuse 融
future Buddha 當來佛
future 當來
gate of liberation 解脫門
giving 檀
god of the oceans and rivers 水天
god 天
golden mouth 金口
good actions 善業
good destiny 善趣
good doctor 良醫
good omens 瑞
Good roots 善根
good sons 善男子
gradual advancement 漸次
gradual practice 漸修
gradual teaching 漸教
grave offenses 他勝
grave offenses 斷頭, 波羅夷, 波羅市迦, 波羅闍已迦
Great 大地
great capacity 大機
great gathering for almsgiving 大施會
great maṇḍala 大曼, 大曼荼羅
great matter 大事
great Nirvāna 大般涅槃
great ox cart 大牛車
great perfect mirror wisdom 大圓鏡智
great self 大我
great tolerance 大忍力
great vehicle 上乘
great vehicle precepts 大乘戒
great vehicle scriptures 大乘經
great vehicle 勝乘, 大乘
great wisdom 摩訶般若
greatness of essence 體大
greatness of the attributes 相大
greed 貪, 貪欲
griffin 迦樓羅
guard 守護
guile 諂
habit cause 習因
habit energies 習氣
habituate 串習
habituation 行蘊
hall of the 16 arhats 羅漢殿
hanging banner 幢幡
hatred 瞋
haughtiness 憍
heaven of extensive rewards 廣果天
heaven of good sight 善見天
heaven of infinite purity 無量淨天
heaven of lesser purity 少淨天, 波栗多首婆, 約淨天
heaven of merit production 福生天
heaven of no anxiety 無煩天
heaven of no heat 無熱天
heaven of skillful manifestation 善現天
heaven of the most rarefied form 色究竟天
Heaven of the Thirty-three (gods) 忉利天
heaven of the thirty-three celestials 三十三天
heaven of universal purity 遍淨天
heaven of unlimited light 無量光天
heavenly realm 天上
heavens in the eight directions 八方天
hell of great heat 大炎熱
hell of great screaming 大叫地獄
hell 那落
heretic 外道
hidden 祕密
higher and lower eight truths 上下八諦
higher level 上品
higher levels of consciousness 上地
higher ranks of ordinary disciples 內凡
highest mundane dharma 世第一法
hinder 留礙
hindrance by the known 所知障
hindrance of formless preparatory practices 無相加行障
hindrance of karma 業障
hindrance of no desire to act 不欲行障
hindrance of non-attainment of sovereignty in regard to phenomena 法未自在障
hindrance of the lesser vehicle notion of nirvana 下乘涅槃障
hindrance of wisdom 智礙
hindrance 障
hindrances due to affliction 煩惱障
hindrances due to discrimination 分別障
hindrances of dullness 暗鈍障
hindrances of errant behavior 邪行障
historical narratives 尼陀那
hitting novices with a stick 下棒
holding the torch 秉炬
holy man 聖人
holy one 薄伽梵
holy truth(s) 聖諦
holy truth 眞諦
homogenous production 等流果
hope 意樂
horns of a rabbit 兎角
human being 人間
humane kings 仁王
hundred 百衆學
hungry ghost 餓鬼
hypocrisy 覆
ignorance 無明, 癡
imagined characteristic 分別相
immaculate 無垢, 阿摩勒
immovable arhat 不動阿羅漢
impedimentary moral indeterminacy (or "neutrality") 有覆無記
impermanence 無常
impregnate 薰
Impurity 塵
impute 分別
inborn afflictions 任運煩惱
incalculable wisdom 無量智
incalculable 阿僧祇
incense talk 香語
inclination 隨眠
incomparable dharma 無比法
inconceivable 不思議
inconceivable impregnation 不思議薰
incorrect knowing 不正知
increase 增, 增長
independently functioning ignorance 獨行無明
indestructible 不壞
indeterminate 不定
indeterminate mental functions 不定地法
India 天竺
indirect cause 遠因
individual karma 不共業
indolence 放逸
Indra's altar 大因陀羅壇
Indra's Net 因陀羅網, 帝釋網
Indra's throne 大因陀羅座
inexhaustible storehouse 無盡藏
inexhaustible treasury of merit 無盡功德藏
inferior of the inferior 下下品
inferior vehicle 下劣乘
inherent nature 本性
inherently existent self 人我執
initial enlightenment 始覺
innate ignorance 根本無明
innate view of self 倶生我見
innately possessed wisdom 根本智
inspector 檢校
instantaneous path 無間道
instruct 誨
instructional preceptor 教授師
intention 行蘊
intermediate existence 中陰
intermediate state 中有
interpenetrate 融
interpenetration 融
Intoner 唄師
inverted 顚倒
Jealousy 嫉
joyful giving 喜捨
judge of qualifications 教授師
karma 報應
king of the Brahman-heaven 大梵天王
King of the Ten Kinds of Nectar 十甘露王
King of the Ten Vows 十願王
kings of the ten mountains 十山王
knowable 應知
knower of the Secular World 世間解
lacquer bucket 漆桶
lama 喇嘛
language 言語
lantern festival at the first full moon 上元燒燈
lapis lazuli 瑠璃
Lapiz lazuli 吠琉璃
latter dharma 末法
layman 優婆塞
laymen 優婆塞
laywoman 優婆夷
laywomen 優婆夷
leak 漏
least of the least 下下
lecture hall 講堂
lesser capacity 下根
lesser vehicle precepts 小乘戒
liberation 解, 解脫
life force 命根
life potential 命根
life-and-death 生死
limitless 無涯
lion among men 人師子
lion's roar 吼
locus 處
lotus Position 結跏趺坐
lotus position 蓮華坐, 趺坐, 跏座, 跏趺
lotus posture 蓮華座
lotus-pedestal 蓮華臺
lotus-samādhi 蓮華三昧
lotus-treasury world 蓮華藏世界
lower eight regions 下八地
lower level 下品
loving words 愛語
lust 欲想
maintaining consciousness 執持識
manifest object 前境
mark of karma 無明業相
marks of conditions 緣相
marvelous vehicle 妙乘
material existence 色法
matrix of the thus come one(s) 如來藏
maturation 異熟
meditation on the ten illusions 十緣觀
meditation 禪, 禪定, 靜慮
melancholy 惛沈
melt 融
menacer of demons 比丘
mental functions 心所有法
messenger 訥多
metaphor 比喩
middle way 中道
mind of no-outflow 無流心
mindfulness of (the selflessness of) phenomena 法念處
mindfulness of body 身念處
mindfulness of Buddhist studies 如來學問念處
mindfulness of positive the local town 都邑聚落念處
mindfulness of sensation 受念處
mindfulness of the cultivation of good reputation 名聞利養念處
mindfulness of the elimination of afflictions 斷諸煩惱念處
mindfulness of the monastery 阿蘭若念處
mindfulness of the objective realm 境界念處
mindfulness of thought 心念處
mindfulness 念
mind-king of the eight consciousnesses 八識心王
mind-king 心王
miraculous 變易生死
mistake 誤
mistaken attachment 迷執
mistaken behavior 邪行
mistaken 邪
monk tangled up in the grass 草繋比丘
monk's dormitory 僧房
mountain of swords 刀山
mountain 山
mundane 世俗
mundane meditation 世間靜慮
mundane phenomena 世法
mundane wisdom 世智
mundane wisdom 俗智
mundane 世間
mutual inclusion 遍收
name and form 名字, 名色, 名身
natural wisdom 自然智
natural world 器世間, 器界
naturalism sickness 任病
negligence 懈怠
neither arising nor ceasing 不生不滅
neither-thought-nor-no-thought concentration 非想非非想處
new 新舊兩譯
new standard 新譯
next rebirth 來世
nihilism 斷見, 滅
nine abodes of sentient being 九有情居
nine assemblies theory 九會說
nine difficulties 九難
nine divisions of the canon 九部, 九部經
nine forms of Amitābha 九品彌陀
nine graduated concentrations' 九次第定
nine groups (of disciples) 九衆
nine heavens 九梵
nine honored ones 九尊
nine kinds of affliction 九品惑
nine kinds of ghosts 九鬼
nine kinds of meditation (on a corpse to quell desire) 九想
nine leakages 九漏
nine levels of existence 九地
nine levels of lotus seats 九品蓮臺
nine levels of practitioners reborn in the Pure Land 九品蓮臺
nine lotus stands 九蓮
nine marks 九相
nine orifices 九入, 九孔, 九瘡, 九竅
nine outflows 九流
nine patriarch lineage 九祖相承
nine patriarchs 九祖
nine pitfalls 九厄
nine times 九世
nine unobstructed paths 九無礙道
nine vexations 九惱, 九橫, 九罪報
nine yogas 九瑜伽
ninefold future life 九品往生
ninety-eight proclivities 九十八使
ninth consciousness 九識
nirvāna of abiding in neither saṃsāra nor nirvāna 無住處涅槃
nirvāna with remainder 有餘涅槃
nirvāna without remainder 無餘涅槃
no delusion 無癡
no laxity 不放逸
no obstruction between composition and decomposition 成壞無礙
no obstruction between concealment and disclosure 隱顯無礙
no obstruction between essence and function 體用無礙
no obstruction between manifest phenomena 情事無礙
no obstruction between principle and phenomena 理事無礙
no obstruction between subject and object 主伴無礙
no obstruction in multiple manifestations 重現無礙
no obstruction in mutual entry 相入無礙
no obstruction in mutual identity 相卽無礙
no obstruction in time and place 時處無礙
no thought heaven 無想天
noble eightfold path 八聖道
no-enmity 無瞋
noetic hindrances 所知障
no-evil vehicle 不惡乘
no-more-learning 無學
non- harmonization 不和合性
non-analytical cessation 非擇滅無爲
non-backsliding 不退
non-backsliding 阿毘跋致, 阿鞞跋致
non-Buddhist 外道
non-conceptual concentration 無想定
non-discernment 不正知
non-discriminating wisdom 無分別智
non-duality 不二
non-duality 一如, 無二
non-empty tathāgatagarbha 不空如來藏
non-empty thusness 不空眞如
non-enlightenment 不覺
non-injury 不害
non-nature of ultimate reality 勝義無性
non-retrogression 不退
non-returner 不還
non-returner 阿那含
non-sentient world 器世間
no-outflow wisdom 無漏智
not associated with 不相應
not coveting 無貪
not resenting 無爲逆行
not yet free from desire 未離欲
nothingness 虛無
novice nun 沙彌尼
nun 尼, 比丘尼, 苾芻尼
oath 誓
object as cause 所緣緣
Object 塵
object 境
objective aspect 相分
objective images 緣影
Objects of perception 所緣
objects of the five sense organs 五塵
observing emptiness 空觀
occult 祕密
ocean seal samādhi 海印三昧
odor 香境
offering and sustaining 供養
olfactory faculty 鼻根
omniscience 一切智
onanism 故出精
once-returner 一來, 斯陀含
one billion worlds 三千大千世界
one great tripitaka 一大藏教
one hundred elements (dharmas) 唯識百法
one hundred negations 百非
one hundred twenty-eight fundamental afflictions 百二十八根本煩惱
one mind 一心
one vehicle 一乘
one 一
oneness 一如
one-voice teaching 一音教
only empty 但空
opinion 見解
oral transmission of the buddhadharma 口傳
orally transmitted scripture 阿含
ordinary man and sage 凡聖
ordinary person 異生
original enlightenment, innate enlightenment 本覺
original nature 本性
original purity 自性淸淨
original share person 本分人
original Share 本分
other shore 彼岸
other-power 他力
outflow of ignorance 無明漏
outflow 有漏
outside worldling 外凡
oxcart 牛車
Pali language 巴利語
parable of the raft 筏喩
parable 譬喩
parsimony 慳
partial 一分
particularizing karma 滿業, 生業
past 過去
path of accumulation 資糧道
path of cultivation 修道
path of expedient means 方便道
path of initial application 加行道
path of liberation 解脫道
path of no obstruction 無間道
path of seeing 見道
path of superb advancement 勝進道
patience 忍辱
pay homage to 頂禮
peaceful dwelling 安居
peak meditation 頂禪
pearl 眞珠
peerless correct perfect enlightenment 無上正等菩提, 無上正等覺
peerless vehicle 無上乘, 無等乘
perception 想蘊
perfect Enlightenment 圓覺
perfect voice 圓音
perfect 圓
perfection of concentration 禪到彼岸
perfection of expedient means 方便到彼岸
perfection of forbearance 忍到彼岸
perfection of giving 施到彼岸, 檀波羅蜜
perfection of morality 戒到彼岸
perfection of omniscience 智到彼岸
perfection of powers 力到彼岸
perfection of the vow 願到彼岸
perfection of wisdom 般若到彼岸
perfectly accomplished nature of reality 圓成實性
perfumate 熏習, 薰
personal enjoyment body 自受用身
pervade 具分
phenomenal hindrances 事障
place of enlightenment 道場
pliancy 輕安
pollution 塵
pomegranate 子滿果
power 勢
powers and fearlessness 力無畏
practice 行
pratyekabuddha-body 辟支佛身
precepts related to the cultivation of good phenomena 攝善法戒
prediction of future buddhahood 受決, 和伽羅那, 和羅那, 弊迦蘭陀, 授決, 毘耶佉梨那, 記說
prediction 記
predominant characteristics 勝相
prelate 座主
preparation 資糧
pride 慢, 憍慢
primordial chaos 混沌
principle 理
proclivities 使
production 生, 生起
protect 守護, 護
provisionally-named bodhisattvas 假名菩薩
pure dharma realm 淸淨法界
pure in the precepts 比丘
Pure land 淨土
pure practices 梵行
pure 淨妙, 淸淨, 潔, 阿摩勒
purgatory 那落
purification 修治, 淸淨
purify 齋
quiescence 寂靜
raging current of (false) views 見暴流
ration bowl 乞食鉢
real 實法
real wisdom 實智
reality body 法身
reality-realm 法界
realization 證
realm of human existence 人界
realm of neither perception nor non-perception 非想非非想處地
realm of nothingness 無所有處地
Realm of Samantabhadra 普賢境界
realm 界
rebuke 呵責
recite 誦
reciting preceptor 羯磨阿闍梨
regret 悔, 追悔
relative truth 世諦
relative truth 世俗諦
religious ritual 祠祀
remains of the Buddha 佛舎利
remorse 悔
resentment 恨
response body 化身
restlessness 掉擧
restraint 制止
result nature 果性
result 報
retribution 報, 異熟
reward body 報身
reward-body 應身
revere 恭敬
rewitnessing aspect 證自證分
right behavior 正業
right concentration 正定
right livelihood 正命
right view 正見
ritual for the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra 維摩會
root consciousness 根本識
rosary 數珠
Round 圓
sacerdotal robes 法衣
sage 聖者
sagehood 聖果
sagely paths 聖道
sages of the three vehicles 三乘聖人
saint 牟尼, 聖人
salvation 解脫
samādhi and prajñā society 定慧社
same teaching of the single vehicle 同教一乘
sandalwood 栴檀
save sentient beings below 下濟衆生
school of Correct Logic 正量部
scriptures of doubtful authenticity 疑經
scruple 愧
second attainment of the 第二果
second Buddhist Council 第二結集
second meditation heaven 二禪天
secondary afflictions 小惑, 枝末惑, 隨惑, 隨煩惱
secret (dharma) store 祕蜜藏
Secret 祕密
Secular world 世間
seed consciousness 種子識
seed nature 種性
seed 種
seeds of no-outflow 無漏種子
seeing part 見分
self-enlightened one 辟支佛
self-nature body 自性身
self-power 自力
self-praise 自讚
self-view 我見
self-witnessing aspect 自證分
semblance dharma 像法
sensation of pleasure 樂受
sensation 受
sentient being(s) 衆生
seven branches 七支
seven cases and nine conjugations 七轉九例
seven consciousnesses 七識
seven dreams 七夢
seven emptinesses 七空
seven evil karmas 七惡
seven expedients 七方便
seven flowers 七華
seven groups (of Buddhist disciples) 七衆
seven groups of people 七衆人
seven hundred sages 七百賢聖
seven jewels 七寶
seven kinds of clothing 七種衣
seven kinds of detachment 七種捨
seven kinds of food 七種食
seven kinds of self-nature 七種自性
seven kinds of suchness 七種眞如
seven kinds of vinaya for ending disputes 七滅諍
seven mental realms 七心界
seven modes of discourse 七種語
seven monks 七僧
seven past buddhas 七佛
seven rhetorical powers 七種辯
seven rules for settling disputes 七滅諍法
seven sacred graces 七聖
seven sons 七子
seven tathāgatas 七如衆
seven treasures 七珍
seven vinaya 七毘尼
seven witnesses 七證
seven-piece robe 七條
seventeen 十七天
seventeen dhyāna heavens of the form realm 色界十七天
seventh bhūmi 七地
seventh consciousness 七識
seventy-two devas 七十二天
seventy-two words 七十二字
sexual desire 婬欲
Shadow 車也
shame 愧
shameless Heretics 裸形外道
shamelessness 無慚
shared vehicle 同教
sharp faculties 利根, 利機
sight 眼
sin 罪業
sincere 誠
single dharmadhātu 一法界
single taste 一味
single vehicle 一乘
site of enlightenment 道場
six characteristics of seeds 種子六義
six coarse marks 六麁
six destinies 六趣, 六道
six external sense bases 外六處
six heavens of the desire realm 六欲天
six internal sense bases 內六處
six kinds of causes 六因
six kinds of defiled mind 六染心
six metaphors 六喩
six non-enlightened realms 六凡
six perfections 六到彼岸, 六度, 六波羅蜜
six precepts 六法事
six primary afflictions 六煩惱
six supernatural powers 六神通, 六通
six thieves 六賊
sixteen arhats 十六羅漢
sixteen bodhisattvas 十六菩薩
sixteen celestials 十六大天, 十六天
sixteen great arhats 十六大阿羅漢
sixteen meditations on the truths 十六諦觀
sixteen meditations 十六觀
sixteen minds 十六心
sixteen necessities 十六資具
sixteen princes 十六王子, 十六王子佛
sixteen teachers 十六師
sixteen-foot diamond-body 丈六金身
sixth consciousness 識蘊
sixty-two (mistaken) views 六十二見
skillful (means) 善巧
skillful appearance 善現行
skillfully teaching the dharma 善法行
sky-flowers 空華
Small vehicle 小乘
snake spirit 摩睺羅迦
solitary realizer 辟支佛
sound 聲境
source consciousness 根本識
Southern Buddhism 南方佛教
speak 語
special characteristics of the Buddha that are not shared by sentient beings 不共佛法
species retribution 總報
speech 言說, 語
spilling a buddha's blood 出佛身血
sprinkling water on the head 灌頂
stabilization 奢摩他
stage of accumulation 資糧位
stage of burning wisdom 焰慧地
stage of difficult attainment 難得
stage of directly becoming apparent 現前地
stage of equipment 資糧位
stage of excellent wisdom 善慧地
stage of far-reaching 遠行地
stage of freedom from defilement 離垢地
stage of gentle harmony 調柔地
stage of immovability 不動地
stage of initial application 加行位
stage of joy 極喜地, 歡喜地
stage of learning 有學
stage of markless expedient means 無相方便地
stage of non-backsliding 不退位
stage of observing joy 觀喜地
stage of omniscience 一切智地
stage of practice 修習位
stage of preparation 加行位
stage of the consummation of the non-returner 不還果
stage of the dharma-cloud 法雲地
stage of the full possession of discipline 具戒地
stage of unimpeded form 色自在地
stage of warmth 煖位
stain of afflictions 煩惱垢
starting board 催板
state of full attainment of arhatship 阿羅漢果
stealing 偸盜
stick and shout 棒喝
stinginess 慳
stop up 留礙
store consciousness 阿賴耶識
storehouse consciousness 藏識, 阿梨耶識
stream-enterer 須陀洹, 預流
stream-winner 須陀洹
subduer of dragons 降龍
subduer of lions 伏虎
subduing forbearance 伏忍
subjective discrimination 能遍計
subjective view 見分
subsequent retribution 後報
subsequently attained worldly wisdom 後所得諸世間慧
subtle hindrances regarding manifest activity 細惑現行障
suchness 眞如
sudden 頓
suffering due to the five skandhas 五陰盛苦
suffering of not-getting 求不得苦
superior man 君子
supernatural ability to read the minds of others 他心通
supramundane 出世
supreme correct enlightenment 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提
sutra hall 經堂
sweetness 甘
symbolic function 想蘊
taking that which has not been given 不與取
taking the whisk 秉拂
taste 味境
teach 誨
teaching for humans and gods 人天教
teaching of the lesser vehicle 小乘教
teaching of the middle way 中道教
teaching of the phenomenal appearances of dharmas 法相教
teaching of the three levels 三階教
teaching that refutes phenomenal appearances 破相教
teaching that reveals the nature 顯性教
teachings and practices that arise in accordance with the capacity 對根起行法
temple superintendent 寺監
ten abidings 十住
ten advance, nine fall back 十進九退
ten aspects (of Huayan doctrine) 十門
ten aspects of contemplation on universal inclusion 周遍含容觀十門
ten aspects of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena 理事無礙十門
ten aspects 十相
ten basic afflictions 十根本煩惱
ten bodies of the Buddha 十身
ten bonds 十纒
ten buddhas 十佛
ten days of fasting 十齋, 十齋日
ten decisions of inclination 十發趣心
Ten dedications (of merit) 十廻向
ten directions of space 十虛
ten disciples 十弟子
ten doctrines 十教
ten eons 十劫
ten epithets of the Buddha 十號
ten evil deeds 十惡業
Ten evil deeds 十惡
ten evils 十惡
ten excellent terms 十殊勝語
ten eyes 十眼
ten faults 十過
ten fetters 十使
ten firmnesses 十堅
ten good acts 十善業, 十善業道
ten grave crimes 十重罪
ten great vows 十大願
ten guardians 十護
ten heavy obstacles 十重障
ten joys 十快
ten kinds of affliction 十種煩惱
ten kinds of expedient means 十種方便
ten kinds of illumination through wisdom 十種智明
ten kinds of illusions produced from conditions 十緣生句
ten kinds of impurity 十種不淨
ten kinds of kindness 十恩
ten kinds of non-obstruction 十無礙
Ten Kings 十王
ten marvels 十妙
ten merits 十功德
ten names of the seventh consciousness 七識十名
ten non-dualities 十無二
ten objects 十境
ten pāramitās 十波羅蜜
ten perfections 十到彼岸
ten Perfections 十度
ten powers 十力
ten practices 十行
ten precepts 十戒
ten principal disciples 十大弟子
ten principal Yogācāra treatises 十支論
ten profitable things 十利
ten rākṣasīs 十羅刹女
ten realms 六凡四聖, 十界
ten rules for translation 十科
ten schools 十宗
ten stages 十地
ten supernatural powers 十通
ten taiths 十信
ten teaching practices 十法行
ten Understandings 十解
ten unpardonable crimes 十波羅夷
ten vehicle (meditation) 十乘觀
ten views 十見
ten virtues of a disciple 弟子十德
ten virtues of a teacher of the dharma 法師十德
ten virtues 十德
ten wisdoms 十智
tendency 隨眠
the abiding of no-backsliding 不退住
the Seven Factors of Enlightenment 七覺支
theory 說, 論
third bhūmi 三地
Third Buddhist Council 第三結集
thirteen buddhas 十三佛
thirty-five buddhas 三十五佛
thirty-seven aids to enlightenment 三十七分法, 三十七品, 三十七菩提分, 三十七菩提分法, 三十七道品
thirty-six parts of the human body 三十六物
thirty-three celestials 三十三天
thirty-three fallacies 三十三過
thirty-three forms of Avalokiteśvara 三十三身
thirty-three representations of Avalokiteśvara 三十三尊觀音, 三十三觀音
thirty-two adaptations 三十二應
thirty-two marks 三十二大人相, 三十二相
thought-moment 一念
thousand buddhas 千佛
Three 三三昧
three affairs 三事
three afflictions 三惑
three awarenesses 三明
three bases of mindfulness 三念住, 三念處
three baskets 三藏
three bodies 三身
three buddhas 三佛
three capacities 三根
three categories 三科
three categories of self-restraint 三戒
three causes 三因
three causes and three effects 三因三果
three contemplations 三觀
three degrees of worthies 三賢
three delusions 三惑
three doubts 三疑
three feelings 三受
three gates of liberation 三解脫門
three good destinies 三善道
three good roots 三善根
three greatnesses 三大
three hindrances 三障
three implementations of each of the ten perfections 十度三行
three incalculable eons 三阿僧祇劫
three karmic activities 三行
three Kāśyapa brothers 三迦葉
three kinds of afflictions 三種煩惱
three kinds of attachment 三愛
three kinds of causes (or conditions) 三緣
three kinds of causes/conditions for rebirth 三種緣生
three kinds of contamination 三漏
three kinds of dharma 三法
three kinds of existence 三有
three kinds of medical diagnosis 三醫
three kinds of objects. 三類境
three kinds of suffering 三苦
three kinds of wisdom 三慧
three kinds of wisdom 三明
three lands 三國土
three levels of apprehension of emptinesses 三空
three lives 三生
three loci of the mind 三住
three lower destinies 下三途
three masters of Qi 三岐
three minds 三心
three mistaken views 三見
three natures 三性
three non-natures 三無性
three part syllogism 三支作法
three part syllogism 三支作法
Three period teaching classification 三時教判
three periods 一代三段
three poisons 三毒
three powers 三力
three practices 三學
three preceptors 三師
three principal scriptures 三部經
three realms 三界
three refuges 三歸
three requests 三請
three rituals of the northern capital 北京三會
three rituals of the southern capital 南京三會
three sagely paths 三道
three scriptures and one treatise 三經一論
three seals of the dharma 三印, 三法印
three sets of pure precepts 三聚淨戒
three stages of freedom from desire 三離欲
three subtle and six coarse aspects 三細六麁
three subtle marks 三細, 三細相
three subtleties 三細
three suchnesses 三眞如
three teachings 三教
three textual divisions of a sutra 三分科經
three time periods 三際
three times 三時
three times 三世
Three Treasures 三寶
three Treatises 三論
three unclean kinds of flesh 三不淨肉
three undefiled faculties 三無漏根
three unwholesome roots 三不善根
three ways of knowing 三量
three vehicles 三乘
three Worthies 三賢
threefold truth 三諦
three-part distinguishing 三分別
thusness in two aspects 二如
tibet 西藏
Torpor 惛沈
touch 觸
transcend 超越
transform sentient beings below 下化衆生
transformation body 化身, 應身, 變化身
transformation Buddha 化身
transformation of the basis 轉依
transformation-response body 應身
transforming consciousness 轉識
transmigration 輪廻
transmission from mind to mind 以心傳心
transmission of the robe 傳衣
transmit 傳
transmundane dharmas 出世法
treatise 論
tripiṭaka Compiled at the Council of Mahākāśyapa 迦葉結集法藏
triple truth 三諦
triple world 三世
true body 眞身
true thusness aspect of the mind 心眞如門
true thusness 眞如
truth body 法身
truth 諦
Tuṣita Heaven 都率天
twelve aspects of emptiness 十二空
twelve binding views 十二見縛
twelve buddhas 十二佛
twelve disciplines of restraint concerning food, clothing and shelter 十二頭陀
twelve divine generals 十二神將
twelve divisions of the Buddhist canon 十二部經
twelve evil occupations 十二惡律儀
twelve great vows 十二大願
Twelve kinds of stages 菩薩十二種住
twelve lamps 十二燈
twelve limbs of dependent origination 十二因緣, 十二支
twelve sense fields 十二處
twelve stages 十二地
twelve zodiacal mansions 十二宮
twelve-vow king 十二願王
twenty celestials 二十天
twenty kinds of wisdom 二十智
twenty-eight heavens 二十八天
twenty-five (stages of) existence (s) 二十五有
twenty-one days of thought 三七日思惟
twenty-two components of enlightenment 二十二品
twenty-two faculties 二十二根
twenty-two kinds of folly 二十二種愚癡
two attachments 二執
two attendants 二脇士
two bodies 二身
two canons 二藏
two causes 二因
two celestials 二天
two celestials and three sages 二天三仙
two currents 二流
two enlightenments 二覺
two entrances to enlightenment 二入
two extremes 二邊
two faculties 二根
two form bodies 二色身
two forms of selflessness 二無我
two grounds 二土
two hindrances 二障
two honored ones 二尊
two kinds of 二種生死
two kinds of affliction 二惑
two kinds of afflictions 二煩惱
two kinds of awakening 二悟
two kinds of bodhisattva bodies 二種菩薩身
two kinds of buddha-realms 二種佛境
two kinds of causes-conditions for rebirth 二種緣生
two kinds of charity 二種布施
two kinds of clothing 二衣
two kinds of conditions 二緣
two kinds of crimes 二罪
two kinds of death 二死
two kinds of emptiness 二空
two kinds of extinction 二滅
two kinds of fetters 二縛
two kinds of harmony 二和
two kinds of icchantika 二種一闡提, 二種闡提
two kinds of ignorance 二種無明
two kinds of improvements 二利行
two kinds of karmic reward 二業
two kinds of morally indeterminate obstructions to enlightenment 二無記
two kinds of nirvana 二涅槃, 二種涅槃
two kinds of patience 二種忍辱
two kinds of pollution 二依
two kinds of precepts 二戒
two kinds of predictions 二種授記
two kinds of provisions 二種資糧
two kinds of relics 二種舍利
two kinds of reply 二答
two kinds of sages 二種聖
two kinds of seed-nature 二種性
two kinds of seeds 二種子
two kinds of sickness 二種病
two kinds of suchness 二眞如
two kinds of suffering 二苦
two kinds of teaching 二教
two kinds of wisdom 二智
two kinds of wisdom 權實二智
two kinds of worldlings 二凡夫
two meditations on emptiness 二空觀
two minds 二心
two necessary provisions for the path to enlightenment 二資糧
two obstructions 二礙
two realms 二世間
two sisters 二女
two superior bodhisattvas 二增菩薩
two time periods 二時
two transformations 二轉
two vehicles 二乘
two vehicles of the three and the one 三一二乘
two venues and three assemblies 二處三會
two wheels 二輪
two views 二見
two views of self 二我見
two virtues 二德
two wisdoms 二慧
twofold truth 二諦
ultimate enlightenment 究竟覺
unachievable 不可得
unarisen 不生
unborn 無生
unconditioned 無爲
uncontaminated wisdom 無漏智
uncontaminated 無流
uncreated 無爲
undefiled ignorance 不染無知
undefiled neutral 無覆無記
Undefiled seeds 無漏種子
undefiled 無垢, 阿摩勒
undetermined elements 不定法
undisturbed 不動無爲
unenlightened people 凡愚
unextinguishable 不滅
ungraspable emptiness 不可得空
unhindered 無礙
universal Buddha 普佛
universal wisdom 一切種智
unobstructed 無礙
unobtainable 不可得
un-posited reality 非安立諦
unposited reality 非安立眞實
unprecedented 未曾有
unproduced 不生
unsettledness 掉擧
Unsurpassed correct universal wisdom 無上正遍智
unsurpassed king of the dharma 無上法王
unsurpassed wisdom 無上慧
unwholesome activity 不善業
vairocana Buddha 毘盧舍那佛
Vairocana Buddha 盧舍那佛
Vairocana meeting 大日供
water filter 漉水囊
water god 水天
web of doubt 疑網
vehicle of the Buddhist disciples 聲聞乘
well gone 善逝
verbal expression seeds 名言種子
verbal expressions 意言
verbal silence 宴默
vexation 惱
wheel of the dharma 法輪
wheel turning sage king 轉輪聖王
view of attachment to self 有身見
view of the existence of a self 身見
wife 夫人
vigor 精進
will 行蘊
violating human norms 邪人法
virtuous roots 善根
wisdom [attained through] hearing 聞慧
wisdom eye 慧目, 慧眼
wisdom of the buddha 佛智慧
wisdom of the two kinds of selflessness 二無我智
wisdom of unrestricted activity 成所作智
wisdom 惠, 慧, 智慧, 般若, 菩提
wish 意樂
wish-knowledge 願智
visualisation protocol 觀想法
witness 證
voice-hearer 聲聞
Void 虛
voidness 空
volition 行
womb of the tathāgata 如來藏
wondrous observing wisdom 妙觀察智
words 言, 言語
world 世
world 界
world-honored Buddha 佛世尊
world-honored one 世尊
world-honored one 薄伽梵
worldling 凡, 凡夫, 外凡, 婆羅必利他伽闍那, 婆羅必栗託仡那, 愚癡, 波羅, 異生
worldly truth 世俗諦, 世諦
worldly wisdom 世俗智
worldly wisdom 等智
vow 誓
wrath 忿
wrong (evil) livelihood 邪命
wrong view 惡見