The following Esperanto lessons are designed to help you improve your speaking, reading, and writing. Each lesson contains vocabulary components such as: travel words, food, animal names, languages, directions, people, survival, colors, weather, places, and shopping ... etc. We also added grammar tips to include: adjectives, plural, prepositions, feminine, numbers, negation, pronouns, questions, determiners, nouns, verbs, adverbs ... etc. Phrases are also something you should check out. Going through each lesson should take about 30 min. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Esperanto Classes.
Esperanto Lessons
Lesson Content Duration
Esperanto Lesson 2
Adjectives & Food
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 3
Plural & Languages
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 4
Prepositions & Directions
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 5
Feminine & Clothes
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 6
Numbers & School
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 7
Negation & Body
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 8
Pronouns & Travel
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 9
Questions & Errors
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 10
Determiners & People
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 11
Nouns & Jobs
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 12
Verbs & Time
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 13
Present & Survival
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 14
Past & Colors
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 15
Future & Weather
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 16
Imperative & Places
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 17
Comparative & Shopping
30 mins
Esperanto Lesson 18
Adverbs & Animals
30 mins